Friday, March 20, 2015

God Thinking LXXXVI - Are You Living In The Now? 4

"Many people are holding out - not using what they have to fulfill God’s will for their life - while waiting for what they don’t have to fulfill their own will. Like seeking success at the expense of the moment or the day. 

Remember true success is in the honorable pursuit of a thing  and not the apprehension of it. 

You will always have enough to be obedient to God with what you have, because it isn’t about how much you have, (that makes what you have the right amount), it’s about how you use/distribute what you do have (that makes it the right amount).

God has not placed false boundaries or unenforceable parameters around your calling - you did that.  You are the one who have said that, “when you get more, then...” or “If only.”

God says, you can, with what you have, be in perfect obedience to His will. 

Being obedient to God and following His plan for your life and serving as a good steward of God’s things does not require more of what you have or more of what you don’t have - it doesn’t require more of anything - it requires following God’s plan for use of what you do have.

Would you agree with me, that to some degree, what you believe - or at least what you once believed is the product of what others said? For some of you, you heard for so long that you couldn’t, that even if you could, because you believed that you couldn’t, you didn’t."

Excerpt from God Thinking LXXXVI Are You Living In The Now by Keith                                       C. Powell Copyright 2015


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