Thursday, April 14, 2016

Tools Of The Enemy 10 - Oppression

" Of the five major tools of the enemy:
Lost Territory 
Let's look at oppression. These snippets of truth are very powerful. Please take them seriously 

Oppression - You allow satan to oppress when you are disobedient or out of God’s will.  When you want something that is not good for you, and you know it to be against God, you allow your enemy to use the pressure of a guilty conscience to oppress you.  The best way to be prepared is not to allow ourselves to desire what is not good for you.  This is not meant to be an all-inclusive list. It’s different for each of you.  
Take an offensive stand against the enemy, you need to make 
your mind up about some things before you get trapped.

Excerpt from Tools Of The Enemy by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2016

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