Monday, October 19, 2015

God Thinking XIV - That Next Place 8

"You want to know how to get into this place,  in the presence of God, in the inner court, the holy of holies, that place where God is God and you are in Him; the place can be anywhere, but you get into this place by supplication.

I asked God, can’t you give me a better buzz word than supplication? And God said to me, “ you want a better word than, “the place where you go in the spirit and stay there,  bound together with Me, until the urgent requests that are on your heart have all been thoroughly dealt with and the answers you need have all been thoroughly revealed, the place where you come wanting and leave filled?”  “You want a different word?” 
Forgive me LORD.  For I am foolish and proud.  No I don’t want a different word. Supplication is that word.

Supplication is a complex word and comes from a combination of five Greek words, that simply mean: “the place where you go in the spirit and stay there,  bound together with God, until the urgent requests that are on your heart have all been thoroughly dealt with and the answers you need have all been thoroughly revealed, the place where you come wanting and leave filled?”

Supplication is used 60 times in the old and new testament.
Almost everyone who came into the presence of God, came via supplication:  Moses, David, Solomon, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, Peter, Paul, You and I come into this special place by supplication.

There’s not a lot of talk about supplication because supplication takes effort. Supplication means travail and patience, sweat and tears.  Supplication means finding time  to go to God, not setting time limits for how long God is permitted to commune with you.

Supplication means setting aside your plans just long enough to discuss them with the plan Maker.

It may take only seconds, it may take hours, it may take longer, but nobody rushes God behind the veil.

When you go there, supper had better already be made or it might not get made.

When you go there, you turn off your mobile phones.

When you go there, you go with reverence and awe.

But you and I were made for such a time as this.  You were created to be in this place and be emptied of self and full of God."
 Excerpt from God Thinking XIV - That Next Place by Keith C. Powell                                                      Copyright 2015 

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