Sunday, November 22, 2015

God Thinking XXX - The Trouble With Tragedy 7

"What you feel inside is very personal, and has a lot to do with your personality and your character; but what you believe about what happened has more to do with your faith and your relationship with God.

Does it matter what you believe?

Despite how you feel about what happened, it could happen again and what you believe about God and His role and man and His role determine what you do about the way you feel.

If we do not trust that God is sovereign and in control of His creation, when evil strikes, you see it as if evil is powerful and God is impotent.

But, If you trust that God is sovereign and is in control of His creation, when evil strikes, you see it as man or nature exerting their free will. You are created (born again) to exercise your free will to be in the image and likeness of God Himself."

Excerpt from God Thinking XXX - The Trouble With Tragedy by Keith C.                                        Powell Copyright 2015

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