Tuesday, November 4, 2014

God Thinking LXXIII - The Construction Connection 2

"When God says we are labourers together with Him, God is saying that what God is doing is being done by you and God as a cooperative project.

Have you ever thought that the person that you work with at your job is going to find the Lord whether or not you share with them your testimony?
What if they are the farm that God has put you in as the farmer?
“Oh, that ‘s ridiculous, God doesn’t need me to complete any project.”  “If God wants it done, God will send somebody else to do it.” 

Why are you so quick to pass when God calls you to be co-workers with Him?
Why should it even come up?
Why aren’t you as excited about being part of what God is doing as you are about passing the buck?
Who taught you that if you don’t work with God in cooperation as a labourer together with God, on a specific project, that anybody can do the job?

If God is in you, then you should give place to God to operate in you and through you to accomplish the tasks at hand.

You are His husbandry, God’s land, God’s farm - ye are God’s building, God’s structure, that place where God resides.
And in twenty-one other texts the Word calls us God’s husbandmen, God’s land farmers.

You are God’s land - a place to be tilled and farmed.

And you are God’s land farmers - the one who does the farming.

You are God’s building, where God resides.  God is operating in you and through you, so that by you, God’s will, will be accomplished.

It is pretty important that you understand this concept otherwise the work of Christianity might be vague to you. If you were designed to play a greater role and if you were designed to co-create with God, wouldn't you want to find out all you could about that type of relationship?"

 Excerpt from God thinking LXXIII The Construction Connection by Keith                                                   C. Powell 2014

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