Thursday, November 20, 2014

God Thinking LXVI - The Whole Person Yields 3

"AS life goes on little by little you can develop a philosophy of self reliance; one that only recognizes that there is a god, not one that turns to God for sustanance.

Little by little you can become less like God’s image and likeness - because you cannot be like God without Christ. 

You cannot imitate holiness - it is received from God unto you.  You cannot create it or make it or become it or contrive it. 

Everything to do with being spiritual, except the presence of the  indwelling Holy Spirit, is a fake. 

All the Christian look-alikes’ (the tares as the scriptures calls them) are filled with double standards, empty promises, unsupported statements of belief, vain thoughts and idle words. They are impotent of the ability to ascertain the will of God and powerless to perform it.

When you do not yield to God’s spoken/written Word - You are slowly convinced that you do not need God.  Eventually, if you were to live long enough, you could eradicate the idea of God altogether, or, as so many have, just create a god that suits their needs, but that’s not how you started out."

Excerpt from God Thinking LXVI - The Whole Person Yields by Keith C.                                          Powell Copyright 2014

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