Saturday, November 22, 2014

God Thinking LXVI - The Whole Person Yields 5

"God speaks to you in His written Word and by His spoken Word to create in you a likeness of Himself and when you yield to God’s spoken Word - you become more like God. 

It is during this time of yielding that we receive power from God. 
It is during this time of yielding that we receive the filling of the Holy Spirit. 

It is during these times of yielding that God is in agreement with you and His will is accomplished.
The Spirit of God is above and beyond you.  The Spirit of God knows all things.  God, the Holy Spirit knows all about you, what you want, what you need what you should pray for. The Holy Spirit knows what is good for you and what is not.

The Holy Spirit indwells you for a purpose.  That purpose is so that you will yield to Him and be filled to overflowing, with peace and comfort, fulfillment and joy.
When you yield your body
When you yield your mind
When you yield your heart
When you yield your spirit
And ultimately when you yield your soul
God’s will for your life is accomplished. 

Before you let that thought pass into the realm of inconsequential or trivial - It is in finding God’s purpose in each facet of your life that gives value and eternal worth to your experiences, otherwise most things grow dim and vain."

Excerpt from God Thinking LXVI - The Whole Person Yields by Keith C.                                          Powell Copyright 2014

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