Thursday, June 19, 2014

God Thinking LIV - Did You Create Your Own Religion 1

"1 Corinthians 10:31
31. “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”
God wants you to allow the truths that you know, the wisdom you possess, the skills you attained and the talents you have nurtured - all to be used for the glory of God.
When you do, not only do you find your place in the scheme of things (because God foreordained it) but you also get all the benefits associated with being a recipient of God’s very best.
When you talk about finding your place in God’s foreordained plan, it’s not really about God trying to make preachers or teachers or ministers out of everyone.  God wants you, in your current station, (as an employer or an employee, a student or a teacher, a housewife or single mom, married or  single, young or old), to live out your life in a way that reveals Christ to others, in you and through you.
Once you understand your calling, i . e., (to reveal Christ in you), where you fulfill it and in what capacity becomes secondary.
Too many Christians believe this way:
  • When I move, then I am going to have people over.
  • When I change jobs, then I’ll help my wife or husband with the household chores.
  • After I find the right place, for the right price, and everything is just perfect, with no risk, I will start that business or ministry or whatever.
  • When I win the lottery I am going to give a big chunk to the church, feed the poor and help others in need.
God wants you to do things God’s way in your current circumstances, with your current income, at the current place you live at, with your current spouse."

Excerpt from God thinking LIV - Did You Create Your Own Religion? by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2014

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