Saturday, February 15, 2014

God Thinking XLIV - Two Agendas 5

"The voice of God isn’t riddled with difficult to understand concepts requiring a PhD in theology.  The voice of God is quiet, and sensible, reasonable and for anyone who will lend God an ear.  

The Word of God doesn’t keep you busy that you have no time for the high things of life:

Like eating dinner with your family.

Or enjoying a quiet and peaceful hour of silence.

Sitting and talking with your spouse, giving them your undivided attention.

Listening to what your children have to say to you, for an hour without interrupting.

Taking a ride to go absolutely nowhere except where you end up.

Sitting at the foot of God for an hour or two, without asking for anything, just listening.

And what is of God, isn’t ashamed of the things of God.
If you feel the struggle inside of being able to balance your life in a way that you believe will glorify God, it’s OK.  The Holy Spirit reaches you this way.  By bringing to your attention the imbalances that keep you from being all you can be, the Holy Spirit of God can help you: 

Enjoy life and be at peace. 

To retake your household for the Lord.

To major on the major and minor on the minors.

To find your place, not just in your job or home, but in God’s plan.

We have spent enough time, talent, energy and money building up the world, long enough.
It’s time to give God His rightful place in our lives.

I make no apology to speak to your mind, that the world has a stronghold on God’s people today."

Excerpt from God Thinking XLIV - Two Agendas by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2014

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