Sunday, November 23, 2014

God Thinking LXVI - The Whole Person Yields 6

"Finding God’s purpose:
In your marriage
In your singleness
In your jobs
In your recreation
In your hobbies
In your stewardship
In your ministry
In your commitment
In your failure as well as in your successes
In your down times and in your up times
And it is by yielding to God, that the answer to these and every question is discovered.

When you see God’s purpose in it, (whatever it is), it makes sense. 

It is not God’s will for you that you are always in the fog about God’s purpose for you.

It is not the will of God for you when you are unsure and disconnected, afraid or confused.

If you do not yield to the Holy spirit, the Holy Spirit cannot fulfill God’s will in you.  If you do yield to the Holy Spirit, then God’s will is accomplished, (not by you, but in you, and through you) by the Holy Spirit."

Excerpt from God Thinking LXVI - The Whole Person Yields by Keith C.                                          Powell Copyright 2014

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