Friday, May 25, 2012

God Thinking LI - 9

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee;”  Isa. 26:3 The key to having this peace that God is talking about in this verse, is the phrase, “is stayed on Thee:”

“Is stayed” is present tense, and it is in the present tense that God discloses Himself.  Stayed is from the Hebrew word, (camak, (saw-mak), which means; established in, to lean upon, rest self in, set self in, stand fast in.

The truth found in this scripture is true to you, (in you and through you) every moment you abide or operate in its precepts.

I want to stay right here on this subject until you get the revelation of just how important this principle is. 

Have you ever tried to pray, but the distractions and noises, and duties, the phone ringing, the animals and many other things keep us from finishing what we started to do?

Your intentions may have been good, but your ability to follow through was just too obstacle laden to complete.

Let me ask you: Just think about this for a moment.

You were going to pray, but you didn’t.  Were the prayers you were going to pray, but didn’t, answered?   

If you meant to call someone and forgive them for something that have done, but you never call, are they forgiven by you?

If you have considered buying a pair of Redwing shoes and you really want them, but you never go and buy them - Are they your shoes simply because you intended to buy them?

You found a beautiful home you want to buy.  You look at it.  You make arrangement with the bank for a loan.  You meet the seller and come to an agreed price. You have the down payment, but, for whatever reason - even though everything is in order - every detail taken care of - you don’t give the seller a down-payment; Is the house yours, because you intended to buy it?  No

When is the house yours?  After you buy it.

You’ve been meaning to play games with your kids or visit your family and you tell them so, regularly.  You even want to, but you never do.  As the years go by, what fruit did the (intention to do), (that you never did), bear?

The truth in all this is: If you want the peace of God, your mind will have to be stayed on Him.  

The truth is: If you want your prayers answered, you are going to have to pray.

The truth is: If you don’t make the call and forgive that someone in your life - they will not receive the blessing of forgiveness, just because you almost called them.

The truth is: If you don’t buy the Redwing shoes, you are not going to wear them.

The truth is: If you don’t put that down payment on the house and follow through, someone else is going to, move into your intention.

If you are thinking, “God knows my heart”, you are right, and if that is your excuse for not staying or following through, God is disappointed. 

The fact that God knows the thoughts and intents of the heart only means that God knows if what you do outwardly was motivated by your relationship with God to serve God and bring glory to God or to serve self and bring glory to self.

Good intentions without following through and fulfilling the will of God , bears no fruit."
Excerpt from God Thinking LI by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2012

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