Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Other Little Ships 8

"Mark 4:39
 39.  And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

If Jesus calls you to cross over to the other side - If Jesus calls you to go anywhere - If Jesus calls you to anything -
He is going to get you there. 
He is going to show Himself mighty on your behalf.
He is going to put an end to the stress and the turmoil.
He is going to bring peace to the situation.
He is going to still the waters that are so stirred up.
There will be a great calm.

This whole story is about learning to trust God in it and through it, but there's more.

When did Jesus take care of the storm?
Was it while the disciples were trying to act like there wasn't a storm?
Was it while the disciples were manning the ship and crossing the sea on their own?
Was it when they first started to get wet?
Was it when they recognized that things weren't looking so good?
No, it was when they asked.

They didn't ask right.
They didn't trust that it was the will of God that they go through the storm.
They didn't come to Jesus with all the right words, but they came.

It wasn't until they asked that Jesus arose up and took over where their faith could not go.

And it is the same with us.
Don't ride out the storm without asking Jesus in your own way to come and save you.

I want you to know it wasn't their faith that saved them in this story, but it was their relationship.  As rough as their faith was and as little of it as they had, they had enough to know where to go when there was nowhere to go.

Jesus stands up and interferes with nature on behalf of those who knew who to call - but Jesus didn't stop the wind and the waves for just those in His direct contact - Jesus stopped the wind and the waves, the storms of life, the stress and the sure loss of life for all those in the other little ships too."

      Excerpt from Other Little Ships by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2016

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