Friday, July 15, 2016

Family Pledge

Family Pledge

I pledge allegiance to my family, to love one another with unswerving love.

I promise to consciously work at being the best I can, for the betterment of the family and those around me.

I will read the Word of God and ask God to help me discern each truth.

I will show interest in what each family member has intentions to pursue.

I will to assist each family member in finding, pursuing and fulfilling God’s intended purpose for their lives.

I intend to actively participate in all of the events that each family member is engaged in to the best of my ability.

I am a child of God and I will treat each member of this family as a joint heir with Christ. 

I will not engage in any activity without first consulting God and weighing out what impact my decision will have on this family.

I will love who I am and continuously strive to be in the will of God in word and deed.

I offer myself to God and my family in the pursuit of fulfilling God’s purpose for each of our lives.

Above all, I will serve God and my family with all that is within me. 

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