Saturday, August 30, 2014

God Thinking LXVIII - Getting Beyond Your Self/Ego 10

"Listen as I describe why it is so important to seek God as we have discussed in a new way, a deeper way, a way that reveals our true love, reverence, adoration and fear of God.

God is preparing a glorious mansion for you.
In that mansion, everything that God has prepared, (now catch this) on the other side, is already found in abundance on this side - and you miss it because of lack of faith, unbelief, adhering to watered-down religious denominational teaching, and self-imposed setbacks due to indiscretions.

Now, I want to talk about this kind of prayer where you go into God’s presence - not to get, but to get beyond your self/ego.

When you go to God to get beyond your self/ego - God will show you how you have managed to grossly exaggerate the significance of the insignificant.

When you go to God to get beyond your self/ego - Things that you once thought was paramount to your being fulfilled and happy, take on their true worth, inconsequential.

When you go to God to get beyond your self/ego - You aren't after anything, but you get what is not available to the one-minute prayer warrior.

When you go to God to get beyond your self/ego - You become speechless, vacant and need-less.

When you go to God to get beyond your self/ego
Your asking turns into awe
Your petitioning turns into reverence
Even your Praise becomes mute in the light of His presence.

When you go to God to get beyond your self/ego - Your situations become opportunities.

When you go to God to get beyond your self/ego - Your circumstances become an agreed place of testing.  You agree with God that going through your circumstances with His presence is better than being free from your circumstances outside of His presence.

When you go to God to get beyond your self/ego - Your problems vanish like a vapor. God turns it all around and moments or hours later you don’t think the same as you did before.

When you go to God to get beyond your self/ego - you come away ready to speak to your situation with boldness, knowing that while the Shekinah glory is glowing the words you speak have power and authority.

When you go to God to get beyond your self/ego - You walk away with faith made in the heavens, faith that walks above the circumstance or situation or problem - faith that puts things in God’s Light.  Faith that starts to trust God through it all. And faith that believes God for it all."

Excerpt from God Thinking LXVIII - Getting Beyond Your Self/ego by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2014

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