Tuesday, August 26, 2014

God Thinking LXVIII - Getting Beyond Your Self/Ego 7

"It is in God’s intervention into the events of life that you come to recognize how fragile you are and how utterly dependent you are on your heavenly Father.

Who wants to be sick?
Who has never been sick?
Does God allow sickness in His saints?

God does not bring sickness.  Sickness is from the fall, but God does allow sickness and through it, whatever it is, God is just as there and just as concerned and just as Holy and just as righteous and just as powerful and just as actively involved as when you are well.

God does allow sickness, but in that sickness God is there equipping you and strengthening you in your weakness, revealing an attribute of God, not easily recognized when all is well.

It’s time lost if you don’t see God in it.  But if you do see God in it...............

You don’t choose the fire.
You don’t choose to be sick.
You don’t choose trouble - But when they come, you must see God in it, so that you won’t have to go through it alone."

Excerpt from God Thinking LXVIII - Getting Beyond Your Self/ego by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2014

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