Sunday, November 3, 2013

God Thinking XXXVI - Seeking God In All The Wrong Places 9

"God gives things to you - not because of much study, not because you possess a gift, not because of some great accomplishment of your own, not because you deserve them or by any means earned them.
God gives them to you because He is God and His presence moves you.
It is in His presence that things change.
God imparts to you Himself Power and authority over the things of the world are yours because God makes it so.
Forgiveness flows through you like a flood - you cannot help but to forgive, its part of the presence of God. God whispers to you words of hope, and they sound like this:
ü   It will be alright, I will go through it with you. 
ü   It will be OK, you are not alone.
ü   I am with you. 
ü   Don’t hold too tightly to this world, here or there, you are mine. 
ü   I love you and will work it out for you.
ü   Stand still and know that I Am.
ü   Your problems will come to an end and I will do it.
ü   Hold on to your dreams, you are not too old, Don’t say you can’t do what I say you can do. Let’s get started, I will carry you through.
ü   You are beautiful.
ü   Let Me have that drug that is robbing you and you will never desire it again.
God speaks the truth when He speaks to you:

Come, My friend and see what great things I have in store for you.  (Are you OK with God calling you friend?) You should be.

Come, My daughter and trust me with your father and your mother. 

Come, and see the work of My hands. 

God inspires you to look beyond yourself to see what can be  done, just because God is.

You come to God with the faith you have and in His presence you receive more.

God speaks and creates worlds:

He can speak to your problems and get results. 

The best way for you to deal with every facet of your life - every worry - every stress - every problem - every lost child - every dollar of debt - every addiction - every issue you have with your spouse - every problem with your children - every weakness - every indiscretion - every sin - every everything - 
The best way for us to deal with every facet of your life is to seek God and find HIm.

Excerpt from God Thinking XXXVI - Seeking God In All The Wrong Places by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2013

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