Monday, August 12, 2013

God Thinking XXIV - Prepare To Be Prepared 3

"We are body, mind and spirit and God wants us to prepare ourselves in our physical body:

For becoming a teenager
For becoming an adult
For the stamina we will need to work or pursue a career
For our marriage
For our job or hobby

God wants you to prepare your physical body for old age
God wants your body prepared so that when He calls you, you will be ready. 

God wants you prepared so that you can spend your life building up: Building up your family, our friends, your employer - your Church.  God wants you giving, not taking. 

There are many people today that live such stressful lives because instead of living off of what they prepared for years ago, there living on what they don’t have or won’t even have until the next payday or two paydays or three paydays.

When God is in charge of your life, you spend far less time putting out fires and far more time building something up.  There are many people today that just put out one fire after another.  They are in one jam after another.  They are chasing after their own tail. 

That is not the way of God. 
Excerpt from God Thinking XXIV - Pre To Be Prepared by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2013 

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