Friday, August 30, 2013

God Thinking XXV - The Beginning of Revelation 3

"Man had perverted the law of God and the law of faith by denying God’s witness of Himself in the person of Jesus Christ. They had created for themselves religious expressions, and continue, even today, to create for themselves religious expressions, that exclude the need to recognize the Messiah.
The whole world is in on it.  Every religion in the world that denies the Son of God, cannot find consolation or peace.  They cannot find solace for the soul, nor can they find truth from God.  They discern with the mind and the body, but their spirit is dead.  They cannot receive the revelation that comes from God, nor can they understand it.

They choose a path that has but one end, because they deny their creator.

The Word says, “Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?  He is the anti-Christ, that denieth the Father and the Son.    

V23 Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.” 1 John 2:22-23 

I don’t want to belabor the issue, but until we, the Church of the living God, believe what God says:

until we understand that God, the Father has entrusted you and me with the truth of salvation until we understand that there is only one name by which all mankind is saved, Jesus the Christ until we understand that there is only one who can make alive the spirit within a man, the Holy Spirit there is no reason for God to give us further revelation.

The prophesy and revelation from God is for His people. It is there to bless us and inform us. It is the truth about mankind, where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going.
Who we were, who we are and who we will be. 

Excerpt from God thinking XXV - The Beginning Of Revelation by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2013

Thursday, August 29, 2013

God Thinking - The beginning of Revelation 2

"This wasn’t the first time that Jesus cleansed the temple of its folly.  Go with me to John 2:13-16.  I want you to get imbedded in your heart what the intent was, of having a temple in the first place. 
When we catch the vision that God had/has as, (the place) where His people would gather to pray, praise and worship Him, we can then get a better understanding of the revelation that is set before us this day.
John 2:13-16
“And the Jews’ Passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem,
V14 And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting:
V15 And when He had made a scourge of small cords, He drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables;
V16 And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not My Father’s house an house of merchandise.”
What Jesus did here, in the temple, in Jerusalem, in AD 33, He is going to do again.  How do I know that?  I’m glad you asked.
120 years before God destroyed the earth with water, God gave this prophesy, “And the LORD said, My Spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.”  Genesis 6:3 
Remember this timeline.  Remember only eight persons were saved.
“And God saw the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
V6 and it repented the LORD that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him at His heart.
V7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth Me that I have made them.”  Genesis 6:5-7
The word used here as repented as used here is different from the word repent as used in the new testament.  The word used in the new testament is metanoeo, (met-an-o-eh-o) and metamorphoo, (met-am-or-pho-o) where we get the word metamorphosis, i.e., to change from one thing to another.  The word used in the Old Testament is, nacham, (naw-kham) which means to sigh unfavorably or to rue, i.e., to feel deep sorrow on account of. 
And if we look at verse six with this understanding here’s what God is saying,” and it repented the LORD, (And the LORD sighed with deep sorrow, deep enough to get to the very heart of God), that He had made man on the earth.”
God did what He said He would do.  He destroyed the people He had made, all but eight.  Here we see how God saved a remnant for Himself, and His wrath was poured out upon a wicked self-serving people. This was just a little over two-thousand years after God made mankind."
Excerpt from God thinking XXV - The Beginning Of Revelation by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2013

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

God Thinking XXV - The Beginning Of Revelation 1

"God is about to reveal the emptiness of all religions that deny the Son of God. 
God is also about to reveal the emptiness of life without the Son of God. 
God is about to tear down the walls of any church that does not do what they were called to do.
Their services, programs, doctrine, hierarchy - their staff, their debt, their unfaithfulness, their sin will all be tried, as by fire, and exposed for what it is.
God is not doing this to punish His people, but to enlighten them. 
Instead of being the body of Christ, many Churches have been making for themselves a body of clients, of clicks, of fraternities, of social clubs, elitist groups  - In and of themselves, having clients, being part of a click, fraternity, social club or group is not a bad thing, but when they are disguised as God’s holy church, that’s another thing.  
God will not have it.  Hear what Jesus has to say about it in Matthew 21:12-13
“And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, V13 And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called a house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.”

Abuses, unfaithfulness and irresponsibility must first be purged out before that which is right can be established.
Excerpt from God thinking XXV - The Beginning Of Revelation by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2013

Monday, August 26, 2013

God Thinking XXIV - Prepare To Be Prepared 12

"If you continue to live outside of God’s will for your life, it won’t be because God didn’t clearly expose the consequences.

It won’t be because God didn’t clearly identify Himself to each and every human being.

It won’t be because God missed your name and forgot to call you.  It is the will of God that all mankind be saved. 

It won’t be because someone grew up in the remotest area of Brazil and God couldn’t reach them. 

Stop believing the lies of the unbeliever and their religious cohorts about how and when and who and why and where.  They don’t have a clue.   

The next time the question comes up, “If God were a loving God, how could He let so many people die without knowing Him?”  You tell them, “How could so many people die without having recognized the love of God?”

Here is the sum of it all:

Take a close look at your life.  Ask yourself, “With what I know, with the knowledge I have, in my present state of awareness:
  • Have I prepared my body to be the temple of the LORD?
  • Have I prepared my mind to house the truths of God?
  • Have I prepared my spirit to receive to receive what God has prepared me for?
The answer to these questions will help you to gravitate toward a healthier diet and better living conditions for your body.

The answer to these questions will help you to learn the Word of God and let it create in you the mind of Christ.

The answer to these questions will help to seek His face and go deeper than ever before.  To quit playing games with your future.  God doesn’t want you gambling with your future - He wants you to see His vision for your life. 

Then He wants you to live out that vision, in Christ."

Excerpt from God Thinking XXIV - Prepare To Be Prepared by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2013

Sunday, August 25, 2013

God Thinking XXIV - Prepare To Be Prepared 11

"Now, I am going to speak to three kinds of people.   

1     If you live your life separate from God, when you cross over into the unknown, you will continue to live separate from God.

2     If you include God in your life, activities, lifestyle, long term and short term goals, decisions and everyday operations, you will continue to be guided and protected.

3     If you decide to trust God, believe God, put faith in God, praise God, Worship God, listen to God and obey God, you will be directed by God to fulfill what God prophesied for you.

In God’s foreknowledge rest’s your future: And God has revealed His plan for mankind.

If you will not turn around and head towards God, you seal your own fate - not because God predestined your rejection (like some think), not because God caused you to disobey Him, not because God has favorites, (like some think).  No, it will  be because, in God’s foreknowledge, He sees what you choose and figures that into - who you will become. 
If you choose to reject Him, God sees the consequences and it becomes true.
If you choose to accept Him, God sees the blessings and they become fulfilled.
If you choose to receive all that God has for you and you choose to submit your whole self to Him, God sees what He intended for you .........................."

Excerpt from God Thinking XXIV - Prepare To Be Prepared by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2013

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

God Thinking XXIV - Prepare To Be Prepared 10

"You should be asking the question, “What has God prepared me for?”  And you are still asking the question, “What has God prepared for me?” 

The Church is steering further and further away from freedom in Christ - to freedom from Christ.

You’ve got to hear what God has to say about the matter.

2 Corinthians 6:14-18 and 7:1, “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?  And what communion hath light with darkness?

V15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Of what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?

V16 What agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.

V17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the LORD, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,

V18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the LORD Almighty.

Chapter 7:1, “Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.”

Once you realize that when God delivers you, He delivers the whole person, (body, mind and spirit) you can better understand where you should be, in Christ.
  • The tomorrow that God sees for you includes good health.
  • The tomorrow that God sees for you includes a sound mind.  
  • The tomorrow that God sees for you includes a willing spirit.
 Excerpt from God Thinking XXIV - Prepare To Be Prepared by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2013

Sunday, August 18, 2013

God Thinking XXIV Prepare To Be Prepared 8

"The scripture says we are to prepare our body to be the temple of the Lord?

The scripture says  we are to prepare our mind to house the truths of God?

And you are to prepare your Spirit.  Prepare your spirit?  How do you do that?

“God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and truth.”  John 4:24
  1. How do you nourish the body?  You feed on nutritious foods.
  2. How do you nourish the mind?  You feed on godly things.
  3. How do you nourish the spirit?  You feed on God Himself.
There is a difference in feeding on the Word of God and feeding on God Himself.

I want to take you just a little further than ever before. 

I hope you are settled that you are are Body, mind and spirit and that together complete your soul (you) who you are in completion - your soul. 

Genesis 2:7

“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”  literally, a living being with mind and made in the likeness of the Us in Genesis 1:26.  “And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness:...”

Body, mind and spirit - made in the image and likeness of God is soul.

God Thinking gets to the bottom of important truths like this.

Truths that help you to become complete - in HIM.
  • What you do in the body affects the mind and the spirit.
  • What you do in the mind affects the body and the spirit.
  • What you do in the spirit affects the body and the mind.
Ultimately what you do in the (body, mind and spirit) affects your soul.

To get your body in line with God’s will and God’s plan for your life - God designed nature and provides all the nutrients, (water, healthy food, air & sunlight) to provide you with excellent health.
To get your mind in line with God’s will and God’s plan for your life, God designed wisdom and knowledge, relationships, discovery, adventure and instruction.  God gave you the Word of God to nourish your mind with pure nutrients for your intellect.

To get your spirit in line with God’s will and God’s plan for your life, God designed a plan where Jesus Christ would propitiate for your sins in order for your spirit to be quickened, made alive in Christ.  When you are made alive in Christ the Holy Spirit comes to indwell you, the believer, and provides spiritual nourishment through preaching, teaching, fellowship and revelation and personal experience."
Excerpt from God Thinking XXIV - Prepare To Be Prepared by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2013

God Thinking XXIV - Prepare To Be Prepared 9

"Now, we have looked at what it takes to get the body, the mind and the spirit in line with God’s will and plan for our life.

So, what then, does it take to get the soul in line with God’s will and plan for our life?
The body - in line with God’s will
The mind - in line with God’s will
and The spirit - in line with God’s will

Bear with me.
Here’s what has happened today.

Many people want to exclude the body from the spiritual realm, but it cannot be done, It was never meant that you would love and serve the LORD with your mind and your spirit, but not your body.   

Can you live on this side of heaven without a body?

Then you cannot serve on this side of heaven without a body either.    

It was never meant that you would serve God with your spirit and your body, but not your mind.

It was never meant that you would serve God with your body and mind but not your spirit.

You were designed a living soul and when God saved you, He didn’t just save the spirit - He didn’t just save the mind - He saved the body also - So much so that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.  By His stripes you are healed.  Yes, God saved your bodies also.

It is not true that you can worship God in the spirit, all the while thinking evil thoughts, while you are indulging your body in indiscretions and sin.

When God speaks to you, He speaks to the whole man, the whole woman (body, mind, spirit) (soul).

When God saved you, He saved the whole man, the whole woman (body, mind, spirit) (soul)..

When God sanctified you, He sanctified the whole man, the whole woman (body, mind, spirit) (soul)..

When God heals you, He heals the whole man, the whole woman (body, mind, spirit) (soul)..

Why is this so important?  Because the Church is steering further and further away from God in us - to God give us.
Excerpt from God Thinking XXIV - Prepare To Be Prepared by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2013

Saturday, August 17, 2013

God Thinking XXIV Prepare To Be Prepared 7

"I am not taken back too much when the unbelieving world equates Jesus, (the very Son of God - God Himself) with Buddha, Mohammad, Vishnu or Alla, but when Christians are questioning the deity of Christ and when Christians are trying harder to reconcile the truth to the worlds standards instead of holding fast with God...

God is not careful to tell us about hell, sin and wickedness.

God spares no words when He describes the pitfalls of life.

God is a consuming fire and not to be compared to a womanizing, egocentric, self-serving creation like Buddha.

My God, what will it take for God’s people to believe God and stand with Him on the issues.

God says abortion is murder.

God says adultery is sin.

God says that “Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, He cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” John 3:5

God says “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go thereat: V14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”  Matthew 7:13-14

Your mind was designed to have faith in God, to trust God, and to believe God.

You have got to quit making excuses for your faith. 

You who have received Christ are to prepare the temple of the living God, (your body) and to prepare to house the truth of God (in your mind).
Excerpt from God Thinking XXIV - Prepare To Be Prepared by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2013

Thursday, August 15, 2013

God Thinking XXIV - Prepare To Be Prepared 6

"Today there are many more people asking the question, ”What has God prepared for me?”  - than are asking “What has God prepared me for? 
Notice the difference. Our whole society is clamoring for God to give us something.  Sermon after sermon is devoted toward what God can do for you.  Huge deals are struck between believer and God, all the while ministries are merchandising the Givers gifts like costume jewelry at a flea market.
Our society wants to get - so bad, they will bargain their own future, their birthright, their own families basic needs - some will even bargain their own souls to get what they want.
We have an entire population of Christians that were raised on sugar coated, candy-bar Christianity.  Extracting the sugar out of true Christianity like extracting sugar out of a maple tree. 
They want it sweet. 
No bitter herbs for this bunch. 

No sacrifice of praise for them. 

No suffering under the banner of loyalty to the Master.
Have you noticed that the modern day preacher/teacher/prophet is more afraid of the people in His or Her congregation than they are of God. 
Many are afraid to tell the truth. 
Sometimes the truth hurts.
Sometimes the truth isn’t self-fulfilling.
Sometimes the truth reveals who we really are.
Sometimes the truth doesn’t deliver the message we were looking for.
Thus saith the LORD, once meant the will of God for mankind.  God is not careful about what He says to us if He sees us going astray.  He calls us back with a sense of urgency.  God doesn’t call us back with a sugar coated:  
  • Say-what-we-want-to-hear
  • Have-it-all-our-way
  • Please-put-me-on-your-schedule
  • Come-at-your-convenience CALL.
Here me:
While the candy-bar Christian is being fed by a vending machine church, (so that whatever they don’t like about what God has said, about who they are supposed to be) God is holding fast.
  • God has said what He has said, one time. 
  • God doesn’t have to tweak what He says.
  • What God has said, works.
  • What God has done, is right.
  • What God says will be, will be.
God was not careful to point to Jesus and say, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”  2 Peter 1:17

Excerpt from God Thinking XXIV - Pre To Be Prepared by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2013

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

God Thinking XXIV - Prepare To Be Prepared 5

"You are body, mind and spirit and God wants you to prepare yourself in your mind:
God wants you to prepare your mind.

Your mind was designed to be used to communicate with God - (transmit) by prayer and supplication, and (receive) by revelation.

There’s two ways that every man, woman, teen and child can look at life, (in their mind).

1     What has God prepared for me?
2     What has God prepared me for?

God has certainly prepared for you more than you could ever imagine.  God has given and given and given.  He has saved you and sanctified you and blessed you and placed you.  He has delivered you and helped you, washed you and empowered you.  God has laid up for you a storehouse of blessings.  He is making you a mansion. 

On this side, God has given you everything you need for your mind to be stimulated and intrigued, stretched and filled.  And beyond your capability to comprehend is the vast and incomprehensible universe within an atom and innumerable universes outside of your own galaxy. 

God gave you your mind so you would find the answers to life’s puzzles.  So that you could be intrigued at the awesomeness of a flower, the complexity of a nuclear power plant, the simplicity of a kiss, the strangeness of a dream, the discovery of a truth - But the mind was made for a purpose, like the body was made for a purpose. 

The body was made to be the temple of the Holy Spirit, but the mind was made to hold the truths of God - the mind of Christ. “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:” Philippians 2:5

Just like the ark of the covenant had within it the tablets of stone, you have within your temple the precious truths of God.

Excerpt from God Thinking XXIV - Pre To Be Prepared by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2013

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

God Thinking XXIV - Prepare To Be Prepared 4

"God wants you to prepare your body to be ready and fit for the tasks at hand.  God wants you healthy, so that you will live a long and productive life, full of good things; things that God can bless.  God wants you to get your sleep and your exercise so that when He calls you, you will be ready; you will be prepared.

Have you prepared a body for God to use as His temple?

“What? Now ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?”  1 Corinthians 6:19
Rather than wait to see what God is going to do in your life before you start to prepare for it, you should be preparing your body from one glory to another as if God had already given you your marching orders.

If you have been preparing your body or thinking more about how to take care of your body than ever before, be pleased to know that you are fulfilling what God has ordained you would be doing, because God knows that to come into fellowship with Him in fullness, you must present your body “a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.”  Romans 12:1
Excerpt from God Thinking XXIV - Pre To Be Prepared by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2013

Monday, August 12, 2013

God Thinking XXIV - Prepare To Be Prepared 3

"We are body, mind and spirit and God wants us to prepare ourselves in our physical body:

For becoming a teenager
For becoming an adult
For the stamina we will need to work or pursue a career
For our marriage
For our job or hobby

God wants you to prepare your physical body for old age
God wants your body prepared so that when He calls you, you will be ready. 

God wants you prepared so that you can spend your life building up: Building up your family, our friends, your employer - your Church.  God wants you giving, not taking. 

There are many people today that live such stressful lives because instead of living off of what they prepared for years ago, there living on what they don’t have or won’t even have until the next payday or two paydays or three paydays.

When God is in charge of your life, you spend far less time putting out fires and far more time building something up.  There are many people today that just put out one fire after another.  They are in one jam after another.  They are chasing after their own tail. 

That is not the way of God. 
Excerpt from God Thinking XXIV - Pre To Be Prepared by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2013