Wednesday, June 12, 2013

God Thinking XX - It's Not time That's The Problem...7

"If your goal or dream doesn’t require the hand of God, then it’s not all it could be.  It doesn’t meet the criteria of a goal or dream of a child of God. 

Everything you do is to be by faith with the expectation of God completing you and bringing to pass the impossible, the miraculous.

God blesses what He endorses and God endorses His Word.  God reveals what He endorses by His Word and by revelation. 
Can you just say Amen.
Can you say, 'I need to expand my dream and include the mighty hand of God in it.'
Can you say with me, ‘Enlarge my borders Lord and take away any doubt that would keep my dream from being all it can be.'

Can you agree with me to seek the high ground - to go after the impossible - to step out in faith and trust God to bridge the gap between the natural and the supernatural?"
Excerpt from God Thinking XX - It's Not Time That's The Problem by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2013

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