This test
1st Do you believe what God said this in His Word?2nd Do you believe that this word is true?
3rd Do you understand, by the Holy Spirit the wisdom of the principle?
Youhave within you the Holy Spirit of
You hear
the voice of God through God’s Holy Word.
You receive the fulfillment of the Word of God when you receive the wisdom of the
principle or revelation by the Holy Spirit.
“Trust in
the LORD”. It is the Word that created
the heavens and the earth and all that is within it. It is the same Word that created life
Now watch
this carefully.
speaks His Word and creates the heaven and the earth.God speaks into existence light, plants, animals and even mankind.
God can speak anything into existence out of nothing, because there is no resistance.
there is no resistance - God’s Word flows freely.
When God
speaks His Word to you – You have free will to resist or receive.
If you did
not resist the Word of God, every Word would be yours.
Word would perform its task.Every Word would bring into existence its purpose.
Every Word would be fulfilled.
God Thinking - The Wisdom Of The Principle 2 by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2012
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