- It's OK to be faithful.
- It's OK to believe you can be more than flesh and blood.
- It's OK to be good to others.
- It's OK to reach for the high goals, the impossible goals.
- It's OK to receive from God, day after day, hour after hour.
- It's OK to serve the Father and humble ourselves before Him.
- It's OK to obey God and choose the better path.
- It's OK to receive a gift from God and to have spiritual responsibilities.
- It's OK to receive your miracle. Don't have miracle survivors guilt. Rejoice in that God worked His mighty power in you.
- It's OK to hold fast to your faith when other scoff you.
- It's OK to bow before the Father and be a fool for the Lord.
- It's OK to be faithful when others are taking a lesser route.
Excerpt from The Power of God Thinking by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2010
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