4 You will have to accept what God tells you when you are there.
God knows your dreams. God knows your heart. God has a word for you. God has your answers, every one. But not every word from God is one you want to hear. You have created a religion for yourself that has been demanding from God for so long, that the idea that God would do something contrary to your desires and wants, is foreign to your thinking. You want a - rub the lamp three times - give me my wishes genie, that gets in the bottle and leaves you alone when you are finished with him. If you want to go to this place, in the presence of God, in the inner court, the holy of holies, that place where God is God and you are in Him, this place where you lose your own ego long enough to receive God's very best for you, you will have to accept what God tells you when we are there.
Listen carefully:
- You get into God's presence when you read the scriptures.
- You get into God's presence when you share our faith.
- You get into God's presence when you worship.
- You get into God's presence when you praise.
- You get into God's presence when you pray.
- You get into God's presence when you supplicate."
Excerpt frpom The Power of God Thinking by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2010