Sunday, August 31, 2014

God Thinking LIX - The Number Of Man

"The last time we looked at the timeline of human life, we took a look at history, starting at the very beginning of creation and looking all the way forward to the end of the church age.

We are going to re-discover the truths about our history, but this time we are going to spend the majority of our study on this very era we are in, which is, the end of the church age.

This millennium, unlike all others, the sixth millennium, is the millennium of man, six being the number of man. 

In order for us to have prophetic insight into what God wants us doing at this time in history, we need to understand the significance of where we are in time.

Everything God has performed, He has spoken into existence, either by the Logos, (the written Word) or by His Rhema, (the spoken Word). 

Another way to look at it is, that everything God does, He tells forth.  Like in the book of Genesis, “God said”.

And God tells His people what is going to happen throughout the scriptures, almost always, in advance of doing it. 
Think about it:
  • The forbidden fruit
  • The way of Cain
  • The flood                 
  • The child of Abraham
  • The outcome of wars 
  • The birth of Jesus

And hundreds of other prophesies, all of which came true or is going to come true in our future.

There was a foreknowledge of the beginning by God, then God spoke the Word and there was the beginning.  Just the same, there is a foreknowledge of the end by God, then God will speak the Word and it will end."

God Thinking LIX - The Number Of Man by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2014

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