Tuesday, March 25, 2014

God Thinking XLVIII - Turning Back 3

"There are many things that affect our worship 

ü   Our surroundings, everything we allow to enter into our mind, enter into our body, everything we allow to enter into our household.

ü   Everything we do / how we live our lives.

ü   What we allow to become part of who we are by the

places we visit, the friends we keep, the situations and circumstances we let ourselves get into. 

But most of all - the one thing that affects our worship more than anything is:

ü   Being out of a right relationship with God 

There are many things that our worship affects:

ü   Our ability to produce a healthy and wholesome surrounding for ourselves, our family, friends and acquaintances.

ü   Our ability to live positively and with purpose in a world that is not conducive to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

ü   Our ability to ascertain/discern situations i.e., find and be at the right place at the right time so that we become

what God ordained us to be.

ü   The outcome of something we are praying for and working towards.

But most of all - the one thing that our worship affects more than anything else, is:
ü   Being in a right relationship with God.
Excerpt from God Thinking XLVIII - Turning Back by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2014

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