Monday, October 8, 2012

God thinking 64 - True Freedom In Christ 10

"Freedom in Christ is to see with your minds eye how Jesus came to earth and took on the sins of the world on your behalf so that you wouldn’t have to live under the burden of a powerless existence. 

Freedom in Christ is to understand your role in God’s economy - how God has freed you from sin and its toll.
Freedom in Christ is to get with understanding how very possible it is to live a godly life in Christ.
Freedom in Christ is about being freed up from the baggage of the past and the burdens of a heavy load.
Freedom in Christ is not just for the sake of some future event, but in the now. 
You were forgiven for your sins:
  • Not so that you could go back into them, but to be freed from them.
  • Not so that you would continue in them, but so that you would walk away from them.
  • Not so that you could see your children go through the same things you went through, but to divert them into a better way.
A way where God directs the path.
A way where God becomes important.
A way where the things of God look good.
A way where Jesus becomes a household name.
A way where less of the world is better.
A way where God is in charge
Isn’t it ironic that talking about the call to righteousness is looked at in a negative light, even in the Church?"
Excerpt from God thinking 64 - True Freedom In Christ by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2012


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