Getting to know God better requires simple faith. I say simple faith, because simple faith is not incumbered by a multitude of religious polity or Church dogma, or any other complicated relationship, like having to be of a certain rank in your religious system or possessing a certain title.
Simple faith trusts what God says about Himself. Simple faith doesn't have to be politically correct or gender driven, doesn't have to be practiced a certain way or always saying the right thing. Simple faith relies on God.
Does simple faith mean that you can't grow in faith or expand your spiritual horizons?
Does it mean you can't have or earn a title or a position in the Church?
Does it mean you can't be intellectually stimulated with all levels of higher learning?
No, but as a person grows in faith, the importance of the personal relationship and understanding of God, through Christ, via the Holy Spirit becomes more important and the relationship to titles or positions, organization rules, regulations, polity or dogma take a back seat.
It's not that these things don't have importance or that you should ignore the ideals associated with membership title, or position, it's just that as the depth of your personal relationship with God grows, you begin to integrate more of God's pure economy into your everyday living.
As you get closer to God, God becomes the focal point.
How to find God
How to get to God
How to please God
How to please God's people
All become of less significance.
I've known people trying to find God over and over again for twenty, thirty or forty years.
Ever seeking, never finding.
I've know people who have found God and they are so disappointed that they decide to move on through life without God's oversight.
I've known people who try so hard to get in God's good graces that they ruin their relationship with their loved ones and others around them. Trying to please God using manmade methods is wholly fruitless.
I've known people who lose all interest in their loved ones and friends to serve religion, religious ferver/fever.
Getting to know God better enhances your relationship with people.
Getting to know God better enlightens your mind to be able to serve God and love mankind at the same time.
Getting to know God better expands your horizons, bringing to bear all possibilities in life, not suppressing the spiritual component, but integrating the spiritual with the carnal to become whole.
That's right. Those who do not house the Holy Spirit are not whole and cannot be.
You can be fully human and fully carnal, but not whole.
Without the Spirit of God, there are so many limitations.
I know that there are many people that believe that they are just as good and just as honest and just as honorable, having not received the Spirit of God. They are correct. The Spirit of God does not purify your behavior, it just saves you from the eternal consequences of that behavior.
Yes there are many wonderful, honest, grateful, people that have not received the Spirit of God.
But those people have a limited experience here on earth, because they do not have within them the indwelling Holy Spirit. They do not have the internal steering mechanism that runs on Spirit power. Even though their thoughts can reach high and develop new creations, their ability is limited. Not everything is measured by prowess or intellectual property or invention. There is also understanding and wisdom that reach beyond mental acumen and touch the world with spiritually empowered events or actions. Spiritually endowed actions bring to pass God ordained events.
OK, your not buying it. The world around you is pointing to the so-called fact that secular society can get along just fine without the aid of the supernatural intervention. Really. That's the thing, those who do not have the Spirit of God are trying to teach those who have the Spirit of God, that having the Spirit of God is of no advantage, personally or globally. It's like someone who has never seen an eagle try to explain an eagle to someone who has raised or studied eagles for a lifetime.
Moral of the story.
Don't let the uninitiated teach you how to be initiated.
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