Friday, January 18, 2019

Getting To Know God Better 34

Politics and personal faith. I hear it all the time that you shouldn't let your political bent be influenced by your personal faith or religious affiliation. Really? Only someone that does not have any personal faith could even entertain this kind of thinking. Of course your personal faith does and will have an impact on your political view/bent/decisions.

The socialists and the humanists, the agnostics and the faction-oriented religious sects make strong statements about how religion and politics should be kept separate, although in their case it doesn't have to be that way. What they mean is, if you believe in Jesus as Lord and Saviour, you shouldn't let that affect the way you do things or the decisions you make, but if you believe anything else it is OK to let it affect your decisions and influence the way you think.

The anti Christ movement is not subtle anymore. They now have cable, entire journalistic circles, networks and even nationalized platforms to spew their slow-working poison; 'to keep people with faith from having any say or influence on the political system.'

What is so ironic about this whole thing, at least in our country, is that Christians have been open to people of any faith being part of our political system. We have opened our mind and hearts to people of all faiths, even agnostics and atheists. Every person despite their religious proclivity has the right to vote and hold office. We trust that every individual understands the importance of civil law and that every person seeking office is desiring to seek public office to better their community and mankind as a whole. So you've got to wonder, why the battle against Christians having the same rights as non-Christians when it comes to politics.

If you are thinking that Christians have the same right to speak their mind as non-Christians you are mistaken. The stage has been set to trap all Christian minded political minds to agree to leave their religious beliefs at the door, when entering in the political arena. Of course we can rebel and do and say what we want anyway, but don't expect a fair assessment from the press. Immediately we are branded as; homophobic, racists, intolerant, deplorable, all with a smile and all under the guise as just reporting the news.

No, Christians have to either hide the fact concerning their faith or be ostracized as 'out of the mainstream,'  or bend and yield to the demands of the politically correct. Politically correct is the new mantra for the anti-religious, socialist.       

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