What I mean by loosen up is this: I want you to go through an entire day where you believe that God empowered you to be you and that all that you do this day will be blessed by God. I can tell you from much experience that not many people are comfortable with God. They are worried all the time that God is looking over His shoulder, watching them like a hawk, looking for mistakes or missteps so He can punish them. So many Christians believe that their lot in life is left up to the angels following out God's orders to make them pay for their faults and indiscretions. Nothing could be further from the truth.
You have already been made in the image of God with imprints of holiness, the Holy Spirit living in you, leading and guiding you. Whatever you do, do it unto the LORD. You are already good enough. You are already pure enough. You are already smart enough. You are already pure enough. If you are missing anything, it is that you don't believe enough.
- If God to you is dormant in your daily life
- Unreachable through prayer
- Is constantly demanding more from you
- Is never satisfied with your behavior
- Can't be reached in a moments notice
- God is active in your life
- God is being reached by you 24/7
- God demands nothing from you
- God is satisfied with your behavior
- God can be reached in a moments notice
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