"God Thinking is a
series of discussions on how to put on the mind of Christ. And in so studying the Word of God, you are
learning and unlearning, learning truths new to you and unlearning old, stale
and unbiblical precepts that have been handed down by religious doctrines of
Religion has taken
its toll on believing men and women.
Religion has robbed
many of a personal relationship with God.
It’s religion that has placed trappings in your way - unhealthy rules and
laws of faith that pertain to the perpetuation of the denomination more than of
the impartation of revelation.
Why am I bringing
this up?
From creation to
Abraham was about two thousand years.
After 1,700 years of God striving with man and their independence and
segregation from God, God destroyed all living souls, except for a few that
had caught the vision of what God was doing in their time. Try to hold that
thought, a few had caught the vision of what God was trying to do in their time
to the scriptures, “Where there is no vision, the people perish...” Proverbs 29:18"
Excerpt from God thinking LXX - Have You Caught The Vision? by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2014
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