It is so
true. God wants us to draw close to Him,
and when we are close, it’s easier to hear what God is saying and to see what
God is doing. It’s easier to cath the
vision of what God is doing right now..
- God isn’t impressed with religious rhetoric.
- God isn’t moved by what we know.
- God isn’t moved by what we have accumulated.
- God isn’t fooled by our acting like something that we are not.
- God isn’t forced by our much speaking.
- God isn’t moved by our making claims that are not true.
- God isn’t impressed by our ability.
- God isn’t moved by lip service - you know, saying one thing and doing another.
- God isn’t moved by our title, position, level of local or national recognition.
- God is moved when you and I believe God.
- God is moved when you and I trust in His way.
- God is moved when we give up something temporal for something eternal.
- God is moved when we set aside our timeline to wait on the LORD.
- God is moved when we receive His revelation.
- God is moved when we talk about His Son with reverence and adoration.
- God is moved when we live by faith.
- God is moved when we worship Him.
- God is moved when we praise Him.
- god is moved when we bow the knee to Him.
Just as
in the first two thousand years the sins of man were destroyed by the flood. In the
second two thousand years the sin of religion was destroyed
by the blood.
established a new covenant with His people, so that at the next two thousand
When is
the end of the next two thousand years from when
was on earth?
Note: If you are thinking 'Oh this is another end of the world synopsis,' it is not. I am simply trying to establish that a pattern that mankind has adopted since the beginning, is still prevalent, i. e., (religion is not the same as relationship). This has nothing to do with end time philosophy.
Excerpt from God Thinking LXX - Have You Caught The Vision? by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2014
Excerpt from God Thinking LXX - Have You Caught The Vision? by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2014