Sunday, November 4, 2012

God Thinking VI - A New Way To Think 4

"One way  to define God thinking is: The renewing of your mind to think like Christ.
There are many similarities between God thinking and positive thinking, but there is one marked difference: Positive thinking demands that you turn a blind eye to the negative things in your life - where God thinking acknowledges and faces each facet of life in expectation that going through it makes us even better.

Success must also be redefined.  The world sees success as the accumulation of things, i.e., your net worth.  God thinking factors in the intrinsic value of your experiences, your dreams, your rights, your friends, your relationships and your memories.
There are three principles that are the foundation of God thinking:
  1. Choosing a goal that can be sanctioned by God.
  2. Acknowledging what we are able to do towards creating our goal and acknowledging what is impossible for us to do and will require the hand of God.
  3. Talking and listening to God while on the journey
Excerpt from God thinking VI - A New Way To Think by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2012


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