Wednesday, September 5, 2012

God Thinking 60 - Religion or Christ, which is it? 8

  • "You need to start seeing God as God Almighty.
  • You need to see God as the biggest thing in your life, not your problems.
  • You need to see God as your incredible provider, that comes through every time.
  • You need to see God as your very help in time of trouble - The One who is always there and does beyond what you could ever imagine.
  • You need to see God as the One who goes ahead of your everything to make a way for you. 
Stop fretting.  Spend the minutes or hours, days or years  you are worrying about your problems and your situations and spend them at the foot of the throne of God, and your problems will melt away like butter in an oven.
If you don’t believe it, start believing it.
If you aren’t use to going to being in the presence of God, start today.  God doesn’t put anybody down, He only lifts them up. 
God is waiting right now for you to get alone with Him so that He can show you His plan for you.  You will be pleased.  You will come away from the throne built up.

You might not like everything that God reveals, but you will be forever thankful that God revealed it.

God knows your future, you should be open to what God has to say, it will be what you need to hear.
God thinking brings you into the presence of God, to get closer.
Let’s decide to get closer this week.
Let’s set aside a time when we go to God and talk.
Demand it from yourself. 
You will be pleasantly surprised at what God is about to tell you."
Excerpt from God thinking 60 - Religion or Christ, which is it? by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2012

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