- "If we choose to reject Him, God sees the consequences and it becomes true.
- If we choose to accept Him, God sees the blessings and they become fulfilled.
- If we choose to receive all that God has for us and we choose to submit our whole self to Him, God sees what He intended for us......
- If you or I continue to live outside of God's will for our life, it won't be because God didn't clearly expose the consequences.
- It won't be because God didn't clearly identify Himself to each and every human being.
- It won't be because God missed our name and forgot to call us. It is the will of God that all mankind be saved.
- It won't be because someone grew up in a remote area of Brazil and God couldn't reach them.
Excerpt from The Power of God Thinking by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2010
Love that logic, PKP.