Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Thought for the day

"God-thinking proposes that true faith is knowing that within the mind of God rests the fullness of understanding and we are OK with that. I know that many claim to have it all figured out and I have no dispute with them, but I have something figured out too. God Almighty is not pleased when we think we know all there is to know about God.

God doesn't want you to trade in your faith, (the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen), for a lordship of sorts, where God is all figured out and there is an answer to every question. Some of us want a Jesus who responds on command, like He is our slave. No, the Jesus of the scriptures is the one who walked on water. He is the one who heals the sick and saves souls. He is the one who loves unconditionally. It is Jesus who gives grace. I am going to put my trust In Jesus, without conditions.

Faith was never meant to force the hand of God. Faith was meant to accept what God allows with thanksgiving. Your understanding is found in your trust in God's Sovereignty."

Excerpt from The Power of God Thinking by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2010

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