Friday, July 2, 2010

Daily Devotional July 2 - Raw faith

"By faith the walls of Jericho fell down, after they were compassed about seven days." Hebrews 11:30

This is the kind of faith available to the Christian and this is the kind of power available within the parameters of prayer. If you know the story, the priests walked around the city for seven days blowing their trumpets and on the seventh day they walked around the city walls seven times, but they did not use battering rams nor did they use and other physical method in accomplishing the task at hand. They followed the Lord's leading and stayed faithful to their course and they won the battle.

Does your faith include the miraculous? Does your faith include the unbelievable? Does your faith include the supernatural? If you have the kind of faith that doubts this story and the many others like it, don't expect the miraculous to show up in your life, because this event and others like it in Bible times and today are seething in raw faith. What I mean by raw faith is the kind of faith that knows that God will do what He says He will do without question, before the intellect kicks in and starts rationalizing away the possibilities; before someone throws water on your wick; before a lukewarm believer convinces you otherwise.

I tell you this because sometimes you are up against a situation that you will not win without the mighty hand of the living God involved in your situation. But the mighty hand of the living God is available only to those with raw faith. One more note: Some things take time, even seven days is not an instant. There's a reason behind the 'waiting on God thing.' Learn to trust God and the time line will become less important.

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