Thursday, December 5, 2013

God Thinking XXXIX - Have You Had Enough Of You Yet? 6

"God has called you unto Himself.

He has empowered you to come unto Him and receive the fullness of blessing, by putting on the mind of Christ. 

All that God does, He does for you , so that all that you do, you will do for Him.  This is where the rubber meets the road - Is this the way you see God operating in your life?  All that God does, He does for you , so that all that you do, you will do for Him. 

Now let’s let this truth take hold in our life.
The reason there is such slow spiritual growth in the lives of so many is that they think they can go higher and higher with God:
  • Without applying God’s ancient and permanent principles.
  • Without keeping their vows.
  • Without living under the authority of the written Word of God.
Many Christians have even bought into the new age philosophy of being a free-spirit - roaming about looking for what feels good and suits our wants - A kind of free-spirit to believe what they want, so they can do what they want. 

And that’s fine for the world, but not the believer.  It is foolish to believe that God is in what you are doing if you are not in what God is doing." 
Excerpt from God Thinking XXXIX - Have you had enough of you yet? by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2013

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