Monday, April 2, 2012

Thought for the Day II

"Sometimes you go through things that aren’t fair.

  • Have you ever had anyone lie to you?
  • Have you ever had anyone take advantage of you?
  • Has anyone ever abused you or manipulated you?
  • Have you ever done anything that brought about unexpected negative circumstances?
  • Have you ever been the cause of pain or suffering for someone else?
  • Have you ever brought trouble on yourself?
No one escapes life without trials, tribulations and tests, but the way that you go through these experiences determine your testimony.

  • Has anyone ever tried to sneak in and take your portion of what you have worked for the last twenty years?
  • Have you ever loved someone that you found out was using you?
  • Has an employer ever let you down?
Where is God in all of this?
Do you think that God was taking a sabbatical from being God?
Was God sleeping?
Maybe God just can't be everywhere at the same time.
Maybe your problem is too big for God.
Maybe God just let's you do it on your own so He can laugh at you when you fall.
Maybe God just isn’t there at all.

Sounds almost sacrilegious doesn’t it? But that's the way we live it out sometimes.

Hear this truth:  You live in a fallen world. Stuff happens, people get sick, people lie, people steal, people murder and terrorize. Cars crash, boats sink, accidents happen that takes lives, good people die. You are always asking the question, "Why does God let these things happen?”

Let=s take a real step of faith here and learn some serious truth.  Instead off asking the question, AWhy does God let these things happen? The question should be, AWhat are you going to do with what God allows to happen? 

When you think this way, AWhat are you going to do with what God allows to happen?, it gives God something to work with, because God can take you through anything that you give over to Him.

Excerpt from The Power of God Thinking II by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2012

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