Friday, March 13, 2020

Getting To Know God Better 42

I know that many people want to go from  the start line to the finish line without running the race. In other words {just tell me what I need to know so I can jump to the end}. That is not the God way and I am glad of it. In-between the start line and the finish line is where we get to know God and come to terms with the vast difference between God and man and understand the economy of God so that we can incorporate it into our daily lives so we can finish the race with understanding and dignity.

Today is one of those in-between times. I'm not at the starting line and I have not finished the race. My inner man is seeking some gem of truth that will activate my inspiration modules. In a way I want to be further along in the race and yet in an another way I really don't want to be further along. As with all knowledge comes responsibility and with responsibility comes accountability and accountability seems to reveal a little more of ourselves to others than we might be comfortable with.

I do want a gem of of truth, but I'm not sure if I want it in an instant delivery form or slow release. I've learned enough about God to understand that no matter what others know about God or about me, I know about God and about me. I have learned to monitor my progress with God so that I don't know so much that I am responsible to others to provide what I know with the accountability factor, because then what I know can be measured by what I practice. Ouch. Am I known by what I know or what I practice? What if what I know is not in alignment with what I practice? I think I have built a system to manage God so that even when I don't practice what I know, only God knows and therefore I can blame God for my current condition of being out of sync with what I know and what I practice.

Of course every person is a God manager in their own way. That contributes to all the confusion about God. Let's face it God has not confused anyone. We, you and me are the confusers. We are the God managers. We manage God by allowing only a portion of the flow of God, the Light of God to flow through us. We don't mind too much if the Light shines on us, but we have a harder time with the Light flowing through us. The thing to know concerning this is that the way God created the universe to operate, only that which goes through us has any efficacy, is counted, is our portion of faith. God things are not stagnant. God things are only fluid. 

To wrap this up; only the knowledge that goes through you to others is what you know, not what you think you know or what you think you have learned. If it has not passed through you and only stopped at you then you have not received it yet, if it is from God. It is kind of like saying that knowledge is like a shadow and the shadow touches you before the object making the shadow touches you and the shadow is not the object.

What you know is not what makes you know God better, only what you share.