- Isn't it true that the closer you get to God the more God expects from you?
- Isn't it true that the as you become more spiritual in your life you have less worldly options?
- Isn't it true that the more Bible you know the more guilty you feel about being imperfect and sometimes disobedient?
- Isn't it true that if you go to Church many people puts on airs and most people are superficial, and you feel uncomfortable acting like something you are not?
- Isn't it true that the pressure put on you to do your duty and tithe and teach and do mission work and to be a part of this program and that program feels cumbersome?
- Isn't it true that if you acknowledge that you are a Christian you are demeaned and sometimes left out because many people today look down on Christians as being lemmings, ignorant, not too smart, etc?
- Isn't it true that Christianity is one of the lesser religions today and to really be with it, you need to dabble or try other religious philosophies, systems?
Don't think for a minute that God, the Holy Spirit is not reaching out to every human, born and unborn. Don't think that God isn't as concerned as you about the salvation of souls. Also don't get the idea that without our help, God can't get the job done. Mission work and spreading the gospel is a voluntary effort on part of those who have found a love for Jesus. It was never a mandatory, duty bound, punish you if you don't act right or say the right things, kind of works. Telling others is a faith work, brought on by an inner unction to share with others what you have found out for yourself.
Structured Christian Churches are all a good thing, but not to be confused with the necessity of personal relationship with Jesus. I can tell you from much experience that many people know their pastor and friends much better than they know Jesus. It's not because God has not made a concerted effort to be a part of their life. It is that people have made a concerted effort to keep God out of part of their life. I call it selective spiritual experience; select the parts that you really like and deny the parts that don't meet your personal bents/whims/indiscretions.
Isn't it true that you have chosen to keep a distance from yourself and God?