Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Getting To Know God Better 19

"Each time I invest myself, my inner man, into meeting with God I come away perplexed. Don't get me wrong, I am thankful and worshipful and delighted that God allows me to commune/pray/express myself, but each and every time I venture deeper I notice that there is deeper still. I am perplexed because as time goes by and my understanding deepens, I become aware that the width and breadth of God gets bigger. In other words as I am attempting to get to know God better I find that I do get to know God better, but since I also become aware that God is more than what I had previously assumed, in essence As I get closer God gets bigger. Getting to know God better isn't about gathering more understanding so that you can have the edge  on someone else or know more than someone else. It is always personal and only applies to your own personal experience.

The bottom line. Most everyone gets to know God about as much as they want to. Never will there be an instance where someone wants to get to know God better but cannot.

To know God better is of great benefit to your own personhood and it puts you in a position to offer more assistance to the world at large. With greater knowledge comes greater responsibility. In our world today where people are looking for less and less responsibility it makes sense that the same people are very reluctant to want to expand their horizons when it comes to personal spiritual matters.

The whole idea that God provided for us was to be in communion with God all the time. We were designed to have full autonomy with the free will to relinquish some of the autonomy in exchange for God's natural and supernatural intervention."

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