Monday, July 22, 2013

God Thinking XXIII - Under The Spout 2

"Now, in your every day experience - you have a relationship with God, however deep or however shallow, you have a relationship with God, the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  The quality of that relationship is based on your overall experience with God.
In whatever state (of awareness, understanding, faith, belief) (your current experience) you are in, you have full - access, vision, authority, provision & protection that, that state (of awareness, understanding, faith, belief) (your current experience) provides.
Each time you receive new truth - revelation or understanding, your faith is increased, so that  - you have full - access, vision, authority, provision & protection within the new parameters that the new truth - revelation or understanding provides.
Think of it this way: With the education, skills, talent, understanding, faith and belief that you have today - you can access whatever is available within those parameters. 
As you expand your horizons and increase your education, skills, talent, understanding, faith and belief, you can access whatever is available within those parameters. 
Just as there are more options for (employment, investments, opportunities & choices for those with more education, skills & talent there are more options for (wisdom, healing, faithfulness & answered prayer) for those with greater understanding, greater faith and deeper belief)."
Excerpt from God Thinking XXIII - Under The Spout by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2013

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