Saturday, June 25, 2011

Thought for the day

"Some people think enlightenment is a word that describes the prophet or sage and it refers to some spiritual assent. But enlightenment refers to every component of our life.

How about enlightened electricians? How about enlightened home health care workers, or an enlightened house-wife, or an enlightened waitress? Enlightenment is understanding and utilizing your deepest knowledge of God in the everyday things you are doing.

Enlightenment is not something you receive at the end of an arduous and miserable life here on earth. Enlightenment is seeing God in the things on this side - where you are at - in the middle of your circumstances - right now.

In life, in death, in sickness, in health, in strength, in weakness, in what people call failure, in success, in the most mundane of all jobs - enlightenment put's "on top," God thoughts. There is no spiritual enlightenment apart from your work, apart from your relationship with your spouse, apart from your children, apart from earning income, apart from paying your bills, apart from cleaning the gutters, apart from shingling the roof.

Spiritual enlightenment is doing what you do with the mind of Christ.

True enlightenment
   is the unity of our mind
      with the thoughts of God
         as we perpetuate what God began
            in the life we live
               as we live out our life with excellence.

Excerpt from The Power of God Thinking by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2010

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