Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Thought for the day

"Faith - removes any and all distance between God and you.
Belief - removes any and all doubt about the things of God.

Together, faith initiates into action what belief brings to the table. But, the thread that takes what we believe and by faith accomplish its intended goal, is God thinking. In other words - you have a dream or a goal - a desire - something you really want to see accomplished in your life. You've come to the place where you believe it is possible, and you have the faith to see it through. OK. What is the next step? How do I get from point A to point B - And maintain my lifestyle - My family time - My job - My responsibilities?

The answer is, God thinking. God thinking will take what you believe you can do - And by faith, take what you purpose to do, and provide all the necessary components to receive it, in God's time. But God thinking is more that just the thread that binds faith with believing and receiving. God thinking is about the way we think.

Excerpt from The Power of God Thinking by Keith C. Powell

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