Monday, April 21, 2014

God Thinking L - One Word 2

"One gift from God that we can count on anywhere and at any time. 

There is one gift that God gives that He gives most freely and without measure.  There is one gift offered to all mankind - Despite their personality - despite their character - despite their job title - despite their wealth - despite their background - despite what they’ve done - despite where they’ve been - despite it all. 

This gift is not just for the pious - The religious - the gifted - the talented - the skilled - the ambitious or the intelligent.  This gift is not just for the studious - the brilliant - the well known or the well liked.

Unlike any other gift from God, this gift does not elevate us above others. 

Unlike any other gift from God, this gift gives us nothing to brag about, nothing to toot our own horn.

This gift does not reveal to others how much more spiritual we are than they.

This gift needs no coaxing, no study, no striving for and no work on our part.

Even though it is the best gift of all, there is nothing you or I can do to earn it or achieve it.

Neither will we ever deserve it.) (To be continued)

Excerpt from God Thinking L - One Word by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2014

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