Saturday, March 15, 2014

God Thinking XLVII - Unlearning 6

"Hear what Jesus says that transcends every other teaching that was or has ever been taught. 

Matthew 11:30
“Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
V29 Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am lowly  in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
V30 For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.” 

Don’t think for one minute that this kind of teaching was acceptable or easily assimilated. 

The Jews were first under the task master of Egypt, then after they were freed from bondage of a foreign nation, they fell into bondage again under the heavy arm of the their own leaders, the Sanhedrin.   

It’s true, the Sanhedrin had taken the simple law of God and written 100 laws for every law that God had given them; expanding, dividing, diluting, confusing, elaborating, augmenting, partitioning, subdivide, confounding, distorting, twisting, perverting, misstating and misrepresenting the Word of God.  

In order for Christ to reach anyone during His ministry Jesus had to teach the people to unlearn before He could them to Learn anything.

And in order for you to reach anyone during your ministry you have to teach the people to unlearn before you can teach  them to Learn anything.

But it isn’t easy to disassemble a foundation, once a tower has been built on it, and not many people are interested in allowing that kind of restoration/rehabilitation, a kind of spiritual surgery.

It’s no small thing - the foundation of world religions, world theologies, world philosophies, Ideologies, belief systems and even social structures are often built upon erroneous and unsubstantiated information/truth/facts."
Excerpt from God Thinking XLVII - Unlearning by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2014


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