Tuesday, November 5, 2013

God Thinking XXXVII - I Challenge You To A Belief Duel 2

"I think it’s time to set in order, i.e., establish where we are - Not where we are in relation to time.  We have already looked at where we are in time and we established that we are very near, year 6,000.  Not in relation to dispensations, because we have already established and acknowledged that we are in the dispensation of Grace. 

I want to establish where you are in relation to God.

Instead of saying where are you in time? Or where are you in God’s overall plan for mankind, the question I want to ask is where are you in relation to God.  

The answer to this question lies within what you believe.   

I want to reveal to you, that what many people call belief is not belief at all, and what is true belief works just like Jesus says it does.   

What most people call belief about God, the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the indwelling Holy Spirit, is not belief.  It really should be called guessing.   

Here’s the thing.  Unless you are convinced, thoroughly convinced, like: 'Let’s say you take a sponge and you squeeze the sponge and push it down into the water, and slowly release it so that the sponge is thoroughly saturated.'  Unless you are convinced of a truth, in the same way as the thoroughly saturated sponge, you have no authority with that truth.  That truth has no efficacy in you.     

Until you truly believe a truth, it stays the truth, but you cannot operate under the power of it. That truth remains stored for later use.  It is stored in the Word of God, until, by faith, you believe it.  Then and only then, is it released to you for use."
Excerpt from God Thinking XXXVII - I Challenge You To A Belief Duel by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2013

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