Sunday, November 11, 2012

God Thinking VI - A New Way To Think 9

"God is not just teaching you, God is imparting to you more of Himself.  You are apprehending the mind of God as God reveals Himself to you.

God isn’t as interested in you learning as He is in you receiving.  My God, how many times have you learned the same truths over and over again, and yet there is no power in your life. 

It is not until you receive a truth that it becomes part of who you are.  While you are looking for some experience or sign, God is imparting Himself freely to those who will simply receive Him. 

If you spent half the time receiving what God is imparting as you do re-learning the same principles over and over again, in just a short time, your mind and your heart would be so full of God that there would be no room for the empty promises of the world.
Let’s deal with this impartation a little.  Let me ask you something.  What do you put in your car’s gas tank?  What happens if you put water in it?  What would happen if you put juicy juice in it? 

How many of you would plan to take your family to dinner knowing you couldn’t pay for it?

Who do you think is the best person to raise your kids?  You or somebody else? 

Do you know why so many Christians today are “ever learning and never able to come to a knowledge of the truth?” 

Do you really want to know why people would rather learn the same thing over and over than to learn it once and put it to use?

Do you really want to know why so few people truly want an impartation from God?

Because when God imparts Himself - imparts His truth - imparts His Spirit - You cannot remain the same.

Excerpt from God Thinking VI - A New Way To Think by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2012

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