Monday, September 12, 2011

Thought for the day

"Hear this carefully.  You must have an interactive relationship with God.  God is the creator.  You are first responsive/reactive beings responding to the creator.  God leads, you follow. 

But second, you are a creative being, by free will that God gave you and entrusted you with.  When you are responding or reacting, you are responding or reacting to God=s suggestive will - you respond positively or negatively - in agreement or disagreement with God=s suggestive will by your free will. 

When you are creating, (pro-actively being what God created you to be), God responds positively or negatively based upon His express will.  If you are in line with God=s express will, God=s response is positive, fulfilling what you are creating, because you are creating what is God=s express will. 

If you are not in line with God=s express will, God=s response will seem to be negative to you, because you will not receive what you perceived you would receive; you will not see the fruition of your intent manifest.  But you can rest assured that the response from God was positive and fulfilling, because God cannot respond negatively, in that even NO, can fulfill God=s express will, which is always perfect and righteous."

Excerpt from The Power of God Thinking by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2010

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