Friday, August 12, 2011

Thought for the day

"God-thinking doesn't stop thinking God. Despite the negative - Despite the barriers - Despite the naysayers - Despite the dead ends - Despite the doubt - Despite the impatience - Despite the trials and tribulations - Despite the hypocrites - Despite our friends and family who shake their heads at us - Despite our sickness - Despite the impossible.

We will praise & worship and thank God, because faith doesn't give up. God-thinking perseveres in faith until your dream, goal or task at hand is fulfilled.
  • Faith doesn't quit, ever.
  • Faith doesn't stop believing God when things get tough.
  • Faith doesn't stop following God when mankind lets us down.
  • Faith sets its eyes on God.
  • Faith doesn't look around to see who is looking, when God is present.
  • Faith doesn't need to see the answer to know who holds the answer.
  • Faith trusts God to work in it and through it until it is accomplished.
  • Faith is the fuel that keeps God-thinking aflame.
Excerpt from The Power of God Thinking by Keith C. Powell Copyright 2010

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